cut to---san francisco. this past march. so, i'm working with a couple of russian dudes, repairing payment devices for public buses. at the little workbench next to me is where andriy works. most of the time andriy has his iphone on (because who wouldn't?) and watches ukrainian hip-hop videos. and most of his conversations are about souped up audi's and hilariously accented "that's what she said" jokes. anyway, one particular day he was playing that hilarious "tro lo lo lo" video that was so popular last year. some old eastern european guy singing a song that had no real words. and when you watch videos on youtube it has related videos that play right after yours is done. and, well. this was the video...
i happened to peer over his shoulder when i heard the silly intro music. now, i'm a sucker for some old fashioned eastern european folk music. but, man. once the chorus hit i was completely unprepared for it. out of nowhere comes this dude with a beard in a snappy brown suit who not only looks like me in say, 20 years or so, but holy shit, dances i'm not even joking. that dance is my catch all dance. the "hurry up, i'm bored" dance. the "wahoo! this is great dance" and e'er the tween shall meet. i mean, i've never in my life experienced something like this. it was like looking into my future by looking backwards...and to the left. i think. my navigational skills aren't what they used to be. as soon as i got home that day i sent the link to my mom. SHE even freaked out. "jacob! it's so uncanny!"
i mean, it's not a bad thing. at least i know i can pull off a brown suit and tie if'ns i want to.
and just to prove i ain't jokin'.

after posting it online and getting pretty much unanimous feedback as to the similarities i decided that upon my next trip to atlanta, i would commemorate it with a tattoo.

one of my best friends and favorite tattoo artists, loki shane defriece, rocked this bad boy out in a little over an hour.
and now, if anyone here still thinks i'm cool, you've not been paying attention. go read a book or something.